Ross is joined by Mark from Trap One Podast and Iain from All of Time and Space, We're All Stories in the End, and The Electric Sodast to talk the 12th Doctor story Last Christmas. This seasonal tale is a mix of Doctor Who, Aliens, and a rejected 4th entry in the Cornetto Trilogy.
Trap One Podcast:
All of Time and Space:
We're All Stories in the End:
The Electric Sodcast:
#DoctorWho #TARDIS #SantaClaus #BBC #Christmas #Aliens #CornettoTrilogy
Ross is joined by his lovely wife Leslie to discuss the Season Six opening two parter The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. She did all the homework assigned! The conversation jumps about all the episode she has watched to date, the ones she liked and the ones that freaked her out a bit. Hope you enjoy!
#DoctorWho #TARDIS #AmyPond #RiverSong #StevenMofffat #MarkShepard #TheSilence