The Third Doctor and Jo land on Peladon and get drawn into court intrige. Can they make sure that Peladon can join the Galactic Ferderation and stop Hepesh. What do Ross and Vic think of this comfortable little Doctor Who tale?
Vic recommends:
The Golem and Jinni
By Helen Wecker
The Double Helix
By Dr James Watson
Ross is joined by Mark McManus from Trap One for more comic book chat. This time it is another Paul Cornel Chris Jones 3rd Doctor story set in Season 10. It's one they both have been wanting to talk about this fun little adventure.
Check out Humble Bundle who sometimes have downloadable Big Finish and Titan Doctor Who comics for very low prices
Also for the second week in a row Ross recommends
The Dairy of River Song Volume 9
Again get check out Mark on Trap One Podcast
Ross and Vic have travel down under to investigate Salamader. The would be despot not the reptile. A story that once was lost but now is found. They not only disccuss percieved fan wisdom and how it can be flawed, but also get to remark on how two Patrick Troughton performaces are always a good thing.
Ross' recommendation : The Diary of River Song from
Featuring the talents of
and many more
Ross and Jason are back together. This time to discuss the 3rd Doctor, Jon Pertwee. The talk the joy that is The Ambassadors of Death and Green Death. Don't mind the deadly titles they fun stories. As normal there are interesting tangents and strong opinions.
You can find Jason on this Doctor Who Literature Podcast
And on Trap One Podcast
And on Twitter