The whole fam gathers to talk Christmas/New Years Specials. Are they just episodes or events. 15 episodes all in one go. Lot's of opinions in grab bag stocking of a podcast. Happy Holidays to all.
Jeff and Ross take a look at the first series of The War Doctor from Big Finish. They gush a bit about their admiration of John Hurt and may stray off on a tangent or two.
The Doctor and Jo are conscripted by the Time Lords. Sent to the future keep the Master's grubby hands, ok with the this guy well manicured hands, off yet another doomsday device. Also there is a tale the rugged individual group of framers against a large mining company, how political.
Cartoon Time! Join Jeff and Ross on their animated discussion and tangents about the animated Doctor Who. They will be gabbing about how missing Doctor Who episodes are recreated and brought back to life in cartoon form.
Old Who and Nu Who are joined by Fam member @thecityofjeff to dig deep down into the events from the Parry Expedition to Telos and Tomb of the Cybermen. Okay whose bright idea is it dig up old Cybermen anyway?
Jeff and Ross discuss the negative side effects of a planetary occupation by Cybermen and those pesky Cybermats. They also delve into lockdown viewing habits and the later years of the Tom Baker Era.
The whole Fam assembles to discuss the original TARDIS Fam's visit to the Sense-Sphere. A tale of sleepy astronauts, crazy astronauts, and those cuddly bearded Sensorites. Old Who and Jeff are soon to adopt the Sensorite Chic look. Is the world ready for this trend setting pair?
Ross and Jeff journey to the wonder world of Nicholas Briggs' Cybermen Series 1 from @bigfinish. Bond mover meets Alien. Oh and some amazing geek tangents as well.
The Team attempt to take apart Ross' least favorite Who. THE MOON IS NOT AN EGG!!!! We also see how what is happening in the world around you can affect how you view an episode. Enjoy, and be kind to one another. Please.
Welcome to first episode to the first episode of The Runcible Report. Jeff and Ross gab away about there undying love for Davros. Get the Heck out of our way Nyder.
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory arrive in Wales 2020. They have to prevent Humans and Silurians from starting a war. That and another crack in time. Did someone say Rory? Who the heck is Rory?
While on their way to the Ed Sullivan Show The Doctor and Rose end up in North London for the Queen's Coronation. Where they meet the Connellys, Magpie, and The Wire. They proceed to have there own little Quatarmass adventure with some face stealing, tower climbing, and scooter chases.
The The Doctor takes Rose to see her deceased father Pete Tyler. She wants to be there for him in his final moments. She saves him instead almost the destroying the universe. Pete uses those Tyler brain cells to save his family and Rose is there at the end.
The Doctor takes Charley to Singapore so she can meet her gentlemen friend. Then in oh so Doctor and Charley fashion they end up bouncing around time to deal her date's granddad and those horned wonders the Nimon, performance artist space villians.
Happy 25th Anniversary to Doctor Who! The Doctor and Ace for the party as are a Jacobian villian and Richard, Deflores and his Nazis, The Cyberleader and Cybermen, OldWho, NuWho, and @TheCityofJeff gate crash the party to see what is what.
We were off to pay respects at Tranquil Repose when we run into Sixie and Peri. As we avoid the drama that is the Jobel - Tasambeker fiasco, we must also not end up part of Davros' dodgy new food truck endeavour.
Tegan finally makes her connecting flight in Heathrow. The TARDIS crew get an upgrade on the Concorde to visit the Master and his dodgy mask collection.
The Doctor and Sarah Jane visit the lush jungle of Zeta Minor only to harassed by a mad scientist and an anti-matter monster. They end up having to save Commander Salamander and the crew of a future Ikea Star Ship.
The Doctor his UNIT family must save the world from the Master and the Axons. Will they survive the onslaught of spaghetti monsters and interpretive dance under a duvet.
The TARDIS has been stolen. The Doctor and Jamie are captured and taken to 1866 to aid the Daleks in acquiring the Human Factor. OldWho is mesmerized by Professor Maxtilble's style and has his beard envy triggered.
The Original TARDIS Fam land in 1400's Mexico. Ian finds a rival, Susan avoids a unwanted husband, The Doctor gets a girlfriend, and Barbara learns the first rule of time travel. You can not change history not one line.
The story of the Squaddie and the Time Lord and the emotional triangle with the School Teacher. All that and Skovox Blitzers and Courtney the disruptive element.
The TARDIS Crew is given the challenge of choosing between death by herd of village pensioners or death by cold star. The Dream Lord has arrived!
This week we break down the walls between realities to visit another dimension, all to avoid the lock down blues. We visit another Pete and Jackie and hang with some Cybermen. Oh and we ramble away.
OldWho/Ross flaked out. In this episode he come clean to something he has been hiding from the world. He is a bone head.